How to Choosing the Right Trolling Motor Shaft Length

Choosing Trolling Motor Shaft

Choosing the Right Trolling Motor Shaft Length

One important factor when selecting a trolling motor is the shaft length. The shaft length determines how deep the motor can run and how high it mounts on your boat. Choosing the optimal size based on your boat and fishing needs ensures the best performance.

What Length Do You Need?

In general, shorter 30-36 inch shafts work best for shallow water boats like jon boats and skiffs. The motor can be mounted lower and less shaft is exposed in shallow water.

Longer 42-52 inch shafts allow the motor to run deeper while staying clear of the boat bottom. This is better for bigger vessels and deep water fishing.

Consider the Depth You Fish

Think about the deepest water you regularly fish in. You want the lowest part of the motor at least a foot above the bottom. This prevents grounding damage.

For shallow rivers and lakes less than 5 feet deep, a short 30-36” shaft will work. Fishing deeper waters over 10 feet may require a 48-52” shaft.

Factor Your Boat Size

Bigger boats need longer shafts to mount the motor appropriately. Short shafts on high gunwales put the props dangerously close to the hull.

Jon boats and small inflatables do well with 30-36” lengths. Medium boats like deep V hulls need 42-45”. Big bay boats and pontoons can use 52” shafts.

Test Motor Heights

Once mounted, test that the propeller tips are fully submerged when running. Lower units shouldn’t lift out of deeper water when underway.

Getting the right trolling motor shaft length allows proper mounting and operation. Consider your fishing depths, boat size, and water conditions to choose the optimum length. This gives you the versatility and performance you need.